White Paper: WishVault


WishVault is a decentralized application (dApp) built on the Ethereum blockchain, designed to facilitate the creation and management of wishes. The platform allows users to create and store their wishes, accompanied by a monetary value in the form of a custom ERC-20 token, WVT (WishVault Token). The WishVault smart contract ensures the integrity, transparency, and security of the wishes and transactions.


WishVault is a decentralized platform that enables users to:

  1. Create wishes with a minimum cost in WVT.
  2. Store wishes with a limited number of characters.
  3. View their wish history.
  4. Update parameters such as the minimum WVT cost and character limit.

The platform is designed to be secure, transparent, and decentralized, leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology.


The WishVault smart contract is built using Solidity, a programming language for Ethereum smart contracts. The contract is divided into several components:

  1. Wish Struct: A data structure to store wishes, consisting of amount, wish text, and timestamp.
  2. Events: Three events are emitted to notify users of changes:
    • ParameterUpdated: Triggered when a parameter is updated.
    • WishMade: Triggered when a new wish is created.
    • TransactionExecuted: Triggered when a transaction is executed.
  3. Mappings: A mapping of user addresses to their corresponding wish arrays.
  4. Functions:
    • constructor: Initializes the contract with the owner’s address, token name, and symbol.
    • makeWish: Creates a new wish with a specified amount and text.
    • updateParameter: Updates platform parameters, such as the minimum WVT cost and character limit.
    • getBalance: Returns the user’s current WVT balance.
    • mint: Mints new WVT tokens for the owner.
    • getWishHistory: Returns the user’s wish history.


The WishVault smart contract incorporates several security measures:

  1. Access Control: The onlyOwner modifier restricts certain functions to the contract owner.
  2. Reentrancy Protection: The nonReentrant modifier prevents reentrancy attacks.
  3. Input Validation: Functions validate user input to prevent errors and potential attacks.


The WVT token is an ERC-20 token, used as the native currency for the WishVault platform. The token’s supply is initially set to 1,000,000,000, with 100,000,000 tokens allocated to the contract owner.


The WishVault project will follow a phased development approach:

  1. Phase 1: Smart contract development and testing.
  2. Phase 2: Front-end development and user interface design.
  3. Phase 3: Deployment on the Ethereum mainnet and marketing efforts.


WishVault is a decentralized platform that enables users to create and manage wishes in a secure, transparent, and decentralized manner. The platform’s architecture, security measures, and tokenomics are designed to provide a robust and scalable solution for wish creation and management.